Ahmed (pronounced "AH-mad") is a CPU Mii.
Wii Sports[]
In Tennis, he is the new champion with a skill level of 1651 and plays with his twin brother Mohamed (the smash brothers).
In Baseball, he is the Vice Champion and plays a team consists of himself, Mohamed, Ethar, Arwa, Areeg, Faten, Moustafa, Sabah and Lamar, surprisingly his teammates are his family.
In Bowling, he is pro with his skill level being 1075.
In Golf, he is a pro with a skill level of 1004.
In Boxing, he is the Vice Champion with a skill level of 1478.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Swordplay Duel and Speed Slice, he is the vice champion with a level of 1486.
In Swordplay Showdown his skill level is 19 and has stage 19 cleared.
In Basketball his skill level is 1492 and is the vice champion and his team consists of Hero and Mohamed and sometimes Arwa and Ethar.
In Table Tennis his skill level is 1489 and is the vice champion.
In Cycling, he is very good, placing 2nd out of 99 and is the vice champion.
Wii Party[]
In Wii Party, Ahmed is a Standard Mii.
Wii Sports Club[]
Coming Soon
Wii Party U[]
In Wii Party U, Ahmed is a Standard Mii.
- His Arabian name is احمد.
- Ahmed and Mohamed are twins but they are different, he wears glasses, while Mohamed does not.
- He is Egyptian.
- theking03 is his nickname.
- Ahmed is only Mii in Wii Sports Wii Sports Resort and Wii Sports Club with that hair.