Aka (pronounced "AH-KAH") is a CPU Mii from New Wii Party U, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and New Wii Sports Club.
New Wii Sports Club[]
In Tennis, he is not good at Level 2.
In Baseball, he is still not good at Level 3.
In Boxing, he is a lot better at Level ★9.
In Bowling, he is great at Level ★8.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate[]
In Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Aka is at AI Level 1 (Beginner Mii).
New Wii Party U[]
In New Wii Party U, Aka is a Master Mii.
- According to internal data, he's Japanese.
- In the data files of Miitopia, he is listed as Young.
- His Mii data file contains unused data. His lip color is set to brown, despite using a mouth that doesn't use lipstick.