My Miis Wiki


Alfross code

Alfross code

Alfoss Latio is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party. She is ranked #49 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, Her Total Skill Level is 3,853

Wii Sports[]

In Tennis, she is one of the 5 players before the starter team of Matt and Miyu, with a skill level of 45 to 56.

In Baseball, she is the 6th worst player, with a skill level of 156 to 325, and her team consists of her, Kentaro, Abby, Akira, Tommy, Emma, Arwa, Jessie, and Silke.

She doesn't play Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

Alfoss one of the worst players in every multiplayer game, which differs from her low skills in Wii Sports.

In Swordplay, she has a skill level of about 155 to 308.

Her Table Tennis skill is 1046 to 1050.

She is a Pro in Basketball and is the 13th best player. Her level is 1316 to 1320 and she has a team of Theo and Pablo.

She is a Pro at Cycling, coming 20th out of 98


  • She strangely looks like Abby, its unknown since I didn't base my mii on her
  • Her eyebrows are actually the second Mustache, and those two hair spikes are her eyebrows.
  • The reason why I did it is because I thought it looks good on her, and I wanted to have the hair express when she is sad or happy.
  • I have mii that is her sister on my tomodachi life (Named Ezart Latio)