My Miis Wiki

ben yt channel he back alive again

Wii Sports Club[]

He is good in Tennis, at Level 6. He is a PRO in Baseball and Boxing, at Levels ☆3 and ☆5, respectively.

Wii Party U[]

He is an Expert Mii.

Miitopia Stats[]

  • Occupation: Prodigious Postman
  • Age Group: Young


Calm, helpful, strong and strong-willed

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 9, high
  • Outfit: Takamaru Outfit
  • Role: Swordfighter


  • He is classified as Young in Miitopia.
  • His height value is set to 93 and his weight value is set to 51.
  • According to internal data, his country of origin is Japan.