My Miis Wiki
My Miis Wiki

Billdowijk is a very extremely rich Dutch person, and has a huge house with a private church, a huge swimming pool that belongs to the biggest ones of the world, 20 planes and 4 passenger airplanes, 3 private airports, 100 cars, a tennis court and 30 golf courses, and a huge amount of gold. He has around £590 billion.

In sports, Billdowijk is also sometimes good; like in Tennis or Golf. He is good in those sports because he has at home a Tennis court, and many Golf courses.

In Golf, he is a Pro and his teacher was Arthur. Billdowijk liked him very much and is up to now his best friend.

He learned Tennis himself and was very good, and now a Pro. He is already playing it for around 35 years and likes it very much.

In Boxing he isn't very good and has a low skill level.

In Bowling, he isn't a Pro but is mostly good in it.

The sport that he does not like was Baseball. He is one of the players in Elisa's team.

Billdowijk's favorite color is gray or sometimes black.

He is a Wijk Mii.

Wii Sports[]

Tennis: 1988 (PRO)

Golf: 1761 (PRO)

Boxing: 202

Bowling: 672

Baseball: 63
