My Miis Wiki
My Miis Wiki

central processing unit (CPU), also called a central processormain processor or just processor, is the electronic circuitry within a computer that executes instructions that make up a computer program. The CPU performs basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions in the program. The computer industry used the term "central processing unit" as early as 1955. Traditionally, the term "CPU" refers to a processor, more specifically to its processing unit and control unit (CU), distinguishing these core elements of a computer from external components such as main memory and I/O circuitry.

Wii Sports[]

In Wii Sports, 60 pre-made CPU Miis can be the player(s)’s opponents: 30 males and 30 females. They appear as opponents in Tennis, Baseball, and Boxing, though females will not appear in Boxing, and in Baseball they can controlled by the player if they are on the same team. In Bowling, they can appear if the player(s) doesn’t/don't have enough Miis in their Mii Plaza or Mii Parade, where they compete against them or bowl in separate lanes.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Wii Sports Resort, in addition to the 60 CPU Miis from Wii Sports, there are 40 new CPU Miis, 20 males and 20 females, making a total of 100 CPU Miis that can be the player(s)’s opponents.

The player(s) can play against them in Swordplay, Table Tennis Match, Basketball Pickup Game, and Cycling, with them appearing again in Bowling, alongside the player(s)’s Miis, with the same rules applying if the player(s) doesn’t/ don’t have enough Miis. They will be spectators in all sports.

Some Miis that aren't CPUs include player-made and preview Miis, which are used in demonstration of most of the 12 games. An example of this is Jen in the photos of the Wakeboarding tutorial.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Wii Sports Club, 111 new CPU Miis replace the CPU Miis from Wii Sports Resort.

Some of these Miis only appear as spectators in Tennis, as teammates in Baseball, as coaches in Boxing. They also don’t compete in other sports.

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