Chrom is a Mii that is in Wii Sports. He is ranked #4 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis, tied with Byleth, Ike, Marth, Lucina, and Roy.
Wii Sports[]
Chrom is ok at this game.
He has a skill level of 19999 in boxing.
In baseball, he has a low skill level of 1, because when he bats, he just cuts the ball in half with his sword.
In tennis, he has a skill of 2, for the same reason as baseball. He teams with Lucina.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In swordplay, he has a skill of 273871982786124852364924 because he is a sword weilder.
In Table tennis, he has a low skill of 3, for the same reason as baseball and tennis.
In Basketball, he does not have the issue of cutting the ball in half, but he is still not good. His skill level is 99. His teammates are Marth and Ike.
- He is based on the Fire Emblem character of the same name.
- His Japanese name is クロム (Kuromu).
- In the files for Miitopia, he is grouped as Young.