Not to be confused with Mimiko (also called Tina). Tina Amari "Concertina" Collins is a young AfricanAmerican woman, she is best known in her city for playing the Concertina around her hometown and neighboring towns.
When she was a young child, she found out that she was particularly skilled in playing the Accordion and Concertina. She joined her school's orchestra and became skilled in the Accordion, Concertina, and Cello.
In High School, she dated her friend Rosa Jackson, unfortunately, lots of classmates and students made fun of them and messed with them due the two being lesbian, during Senior grade the two broke up, fortunately, they're still friends, they have called each other to check up on how they've been and have invited each other to their houses.
She has become a popular sensation on social media, garnering over 8 million followers across social media platforms, she has made videos about outside activities, Concertina and Accordion tutorials and choreography.
In college, she began training in multiple sports like Tennis, Table Tennis, Boxing, Swordplay, Boxing, Baseball, Basketball, etc. she became a professional at the sports, Tina became boxing champion after beating Matt in their first round of boxing, she has held the title to this day.
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Concertina | Rose Jackson | Rita Weiß | Jeremy Collins | Denzel Robinson | Imani Jones | Juan Alejandro | Pedro Santos | The Concertinas | Penny Proud | FakeJake |
The Concertinas |
Concertina | Jeremy Collins | Denzel Robinson | Imani Jones | Valentina Sanchez | Pedro Santos |
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RiiMajor | AdamCrossing | Paniaal | JimmyKazakstan |