My Miis Wiki

Delmer is a CPU Mii.

Title None
Gender Male
Favorite Color Black
Level PRO

Wii Sports[]

In Boxing, he is unknown.

In Baseball, his skill is around the 5,000,000 mark.

In Tennis, his skill level is 5,396,200. He often plays with Saxema in Tennis.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Table Tennis and Swordplay, his skill is around the 6700 mark.

In Basketball, his level is around 4,982,332.

Wii Sports Club[]

His Grade in Tennis is ★942. In Baseball and Boxing, his Grade is ★1361.

Wii Party and U[]

Delmer is an 'Advanced Master' CPU.

Delmer is also an 'Advanced Master' CPU in Wii Party U. He likes the game "Mii Vaulters" and "Super Snow Sliders". He gets 240 m in "Mii Vaulters" and around 100 m in "Super Snow Sliders".

Wii Music[]

His name is "Remled" in Wii Music.

Art Academy[]

He is good in painting. If Vince (The teacher in painting).


  • He is good in sports.

