Eannie is a Gen 3 Mii by HafzaProduction's.

Eannie is a Pro in netball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, swimming, tennis, golf, ice-hockey and boxing. Average in cycling, rugby and cricket. Not Terrible in any sport.
In Wii Party 2, Eannie is a Master Mii.
Names in Other Languages[]
- Eannie's name in Japanese is: エアニー, (Eanī)
- Eannie's Internal ID (according to the WSC files) is 055.
- In Mario Kart 12, his name is "Nin★Eannie".
- According to his Tomodachi file, he is American.
- He is the catcher in the game "Pitch Perfect" in Wii Sports Club baseball training.
- He is Heixy's brother according to the Tomodachi Life profile.
- Yellow is his favorite color.
- In his Miitopian files, Eannie is listed as Young.
- His height value is set to 104, and his weight value is set to 32.