My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

Not to be confused with Ed, Edd, or Edie

If you're looking for the Mii from Ed, Edd N Eddy with the same name, go to Eddy (Ed, Edd N Eddy).

Title Eddy
Gender Male
Favorite Color Blue
Level Swordplay: 1076-1080 (PRO)

Basketball: 131-135

Table Tennis: 401-405

Cycling: 35th out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 535+

Eddy is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Resort and Wii Party. He is ranked #79 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. His Total Skill Level is 1730.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Basketball, Eddy is very bad and has a team with Kentaro and Elisa. His level is 131-135 (the 9th worst player). Eddy's level in Table Tennis is 401-405, and he is the 1st player at the 400 mark. In Swordplay, he is in early Pro Class with a level of 1076-1080. He is a Pro at Cycling, coming 35th out of 98.

Wii Party[]

Eddy is an Master Mii.

Wii Sports Plus/Wii Sports Deluxe[]

Eddy is awful in Baseball with a skill of -18 to 64.


  • His Japanese name is エディ (Edi).
  • His Korean name is 앙트레 (Angteure).
    • It's possible this name was intended to be a transliteration of André, however, that name more directly transliterates to 안드레 (Andeure).
  • Eddy appears in 11 Swordplay Showdown Stages. He appears in stages 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, and 20.
  • Eddy and Tatsuaki are the only canon Miis with that hair.
    • Even though they have the same hair, the color is different with Tatsuaki's being black.
  • He is the only canon, non-guest Mii with a default mouth.
  • In Table Tennis and Basketball, Eddy is right-handed.
  • His name is short and a nickname for Edward.
    • In other variant forms, his name can be short and a nickname for Edmund.
  • In Wii Party, he, Emma, Pierre and Stéphanie are the only canon Master Miis to wear blue.