My Miis Wiki
Edurado‘s official Face Image

Edurado (pronounced "eh-DHWRAH-dho" or "eh-DWRAH-doo") is a Custom CPU Mii from Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U. He is ranked #65 in overall rankings and his total skill level is 64.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Tennis and Baseball, Edurado is excellent at Grade 10.

In Boxing, he is mediocre at Grade 4.

Wii Party U[]

In Wii Party U, Edurado is in Expert Difficulty.

  • In Beginner Dojo Domination, Edurado holds 4th place with 20 opponents defeated and 3 hearts left.
  • In Mii Vaulters, he is in 3rd place, traveling a distance of 179 meters.
  • In Freeplay Apple Scramble, he is in 4th place with 41 points.

Names in Other Languages[]

  • Japanese: エドラド(Edurado)


  • According to the Wii Sports Club files, Edurado's Internal ID is 069.
  • According to his Mario Kart 8 profile, he is Spanish.
  • In the data files of Miitopia, he's listed as Middle.
  • Even though Edurado does not have a mole, it does not use the default values. It is one stage bigger and three steps to the right. This might be a remnant of an earlier design for him.
  • Edurado is left-handed.
  • His height value is set to 83, and his weight value is set to 40.

