This page showcases all Miis to ever appear in an Emerald Games mod. They are listed by internal ID.
Emerald Sports 1 and Emerald Party 1[]
Maximilian (Brattiest CPU Ever 😂)
Mikayla (AKA the "Baddest B")
Nyasha (Pronounced ny-ah-sha)
Rini (Pronounced ree-nee)
Matteo (Pronounced muh-tay-oh)
Alicia (Pronounced uh-lee-see-uh)
Coraline (Yeah, THAT Coraline, all grown up!)
Emerald Sports Resort 2 and Emerald Party 1[]
Emerald Sports 2 and Emerald Party 2[]
Emerald Sports Resort 1 and Emerald Party 2[]
Emerald Sports and Emerald Party 3[]
Emerald Sports Resort and Emerald Party 3[]
Emerald Sports and Emerald Party 4[]
Emerald Sports Resort and Emerald Party 4[]