My Miis Wiki

Failboat is a Mii from Wii Sports. He is ranked #89 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.

Wii Sports[]

In Wii Sports, Failboat is mediocre.

In Baseball, he has a skill level of 200.

In Tennis, he has a skill level of 201 and he pairs with himself.

In Boxing, he has a level of 199.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Wii Sports Resort, Failboat improved a little bit.

In Table Tennis, he has a skill level of 300.

In Swordplay, he has a skill level of 301.

In Basketball, he has a skill level of 302.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Failboat is a Standard Mii.


  • He has a Youtube channel called Failboat.
  • His real name is Dan.
  • He is part of a Youtube group called The Failing Four.
  • His skill is always between 199 and 302.
  • In the files for Miitopia, he is grouped as Young.
Dadpleaseno's Miis

AbbyAlbertAlexander HamiltonAlfredAntonArchieBenBob the Tomato from VeggietalesBrentBrewsterBus Driver WaluigiBylethCallieCalvinChadtronicCharbaraChromColtonConnorConwaycscoopCupCurtisDeluxeDr. Goomba StackDrake JoshDundundunEastElizaEmo KidFailboatFreddy FazbearFunky KongGeorgeNotFoundGeorgeNotFound YoutoozGold MarioHarubbyHiker WarioHobbesHudsonHugboxI want dieIkeIncredibox GuyJarvis JohnsonJasjayJeb JabJerry AttricksJimmy CarterjschlattJuliesJustinKanye EastKay SwissKillianLego Indiana JonesLindsayLol byeLonkLord OwOLucasLucinaMarthMasahiro SakuraiMasonMattMattMarieMarinaMickeyMii BrawlerMii GunnerMii SwordfighterMikehaelMonikaMr. PersonNaomiNMeadeNormaNorthOdinOliviaPBGPearlPiranha PlantProJaredQuinnReggie Fils-AimeRex MohsRoySamSamSamanthaSansSapnapSapnap YoutoozSatoru IwataScott the WozShigeru MiyamotoLego ShoheiShohintaSilver MarioSimonSlimecicleSonyaSophiaSouthSpacehamsterSteel WoolSteveSvenSword0fSealsTechnoblade YoutoozTed NivisonTerry LeslerTimToddTommyInnitTommyInnit YoutooztravesTriangleTWD98TylerUsherVillagerVincenzitzWendy's EmployeeWestWilbur SootWilbur Soot YoutoozXanderYonekozxzxbeard
