Farra is a Custom CPU Mii from WSC/Wii Party U. She is ranked #47 in overall rankings, and her total skill level is 128.
Wii Sports Club[]
In both Tennis and Baseball, she is a beginner Pro at Grade ★4.
In Boxing, she is excellent at Grade 9.
Wii Party U[]
In Wii Party U, Farra is in Expert Difficulty.
- In Close Knit, she is in 3rd place with a length of 159 meters.
- In Freeplay Balloon Boppers, she is in 3rd place with 18 points.
- In 3-player Button Smashers, she, Karlos and Tai are in 4th place with 25 Points.
Names in 0ther Languages[]
- Japanese: ファラ (Fara)
- According to the Wii Sports Club files, Farra's Internal ID is 072.
- In the data files of Miitopia, she is listed as Young.
- According to her MK8 Deluxe profile, she is American.
- Farra is left-handed.
- In Wii Party U, she appears as Player 2 in the preview video for Fast Food Frenzy. She also appears in the preview videos for Cage Chomps and Speed of Sight.
- Her height and weight values are both default (64)