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Wii Sports[]

In tennis she is pro with a skill 1562 she plays with her husband Moustafa (the smash parents).

In baseball she is pro Faten player whose team consists on her MoustafaSabahArwaEtharMohamedAhmedLamar, and Areeg also her teammates those her family.

In bowling she is pro with her skill 1015.

In golf she is not pro but she's great with her skills 954.

She does not appear in Boxing

Wii Sports Resort[]

coming soon

Wii Party[]

in Wii party Faten is a beginner

Wii Sports Club[]

coming soon

Wii Party U[]

coming soon


  • Her Arabian name is فاتن.
  • She is Egyptian.
  • Faten, Lindsay, and Ashley are only Miis with that hairstyle.
  • Faten, Ethar and Miyu are the only Beginner Miis from Wii Party whose favorite color is purple


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