Funta is a CPU Mii. Pronounced "foon-ta".
Wii Sports[]
His level in Tennis is 3450 and plays with Shunta.
His level in Baseball is 103047 and plays with himself, Christine, Jon, Ariella, Jack, Bathaniel Nandy, Jocelynn, Northwest, and Greg Heffley. He appears on the teams of Guru Ant, Rebecca, Ella, Ned Flanders, Sophie, and Rasta.
His level in Boxing is 2550.
Wii Sports Resort[]
His level in Swordplay Duel & Speed Slice is 12933. He is the boss of level 31 in Swordplay Showdown.
In Basketball, his level is 12487 and plays with Saki and Shunta.
In Table Tennis his level is 12896.
Wii Party[]
In Wii Party, Funta is an Advanced Master CPU.
- You can earn his badge for making 100 edits on "CPU Mii" articles.
- He looks like Alex.
- He is the best High Skill Mii in Baseball.
- On his team is another High Skill Mii- Jon.
- He ranks #8 of the High Skill Miis in Wii Sports Resort by Overall Skill Level.