My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means she actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club games.

Not to be confused with Gabriele.

Title Swordplay Showdown Second Boss
Gender Female
Favorite Color Black
Level Swordplay: 1451-1455 (PRO)

Basketball: 236-240

Table Tennis: 101-105

Cycling: 70th out of 98

Average: 604

Gabi is a CPU Mii in Wii Sports Resort and Wii Party. She is ranked #75 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. Her Total Skill Level is 1865.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Table Tennis, she is the seventh worst player, with a skill level of 101-105 In Swordplay Showdown, Gabi is the Boss of level 2, she is surrounded by Jake. She swings her sword frantically and proceeds to attack. In Swordplay Duel, she is a top Pro and the fourth best player, with a level of 1451+. She isn't very good at Basketball at level 236+, and she plays with Gwen and Mia. She is pretty far back in Cycling, coming in 70th out of 98.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Gabi is an Expert Mii.


  • Her Japanese name is ガビ (Gabi).
    • This is identical to her English name.
  • Her Korean name is 파비안 (Pabian / "Fabianne").
  • She is the only canon CPU Mii with that hair.
  • In both Table Tennis and Basketball, Gabi is right-handed.