My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

Title N/A
Gender Male
Favorite Color Orange
Level Swordplay: 131-135

Basketball: 431-435

Table Tennis: 866-870

Cycling: 33rd out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 464+

George is a CPU Mii in Wii Sports Resort and Wii Party. He is ranked #89 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. His Total Skill Level is 1552.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Swordplay, George is at level 131+ (the 9th worst player). In Basketball, he has a level of 431+, playing with Chika and Matt, and he is not good but decent. In Table Tennis, George is good. His level is 866+. He is a Pro at Cycling, coming 33rd out of 98.

Armors George uses in Swordplay Showdown[]

Stage Armor
Bridge Green Armor
Lighthouse No Armor
Beach No Armor
Mountain No Armor
Forest No Armor
Ruins No Armor
Waterfall Green Armor
Cliff Green Armor
Castle Red Armor
Volcano Gold Armor
Bridge Reverse No Armor
Lighthouse Reverse No Armor
Beach Reverse No Armor
Mountain Reverse No Armor
Forest Reverse Gold Armor
Ruins Reverse Gold Armor
Waterfall Reverse Red Armor
Cliff Reverse No Armor
Castle Reverse Purple Armor
Volcano Reverse Black Armor

Wii Party []

In Wii Party, George is a Master Mii.


  • George has the highest default score on the Challenge version of Shifty Gifts in Wii Party, with 2 minutes.
  • His Japanese name is Jōji (ジョージ).
  • His Korean name is Busi (부시). This means "Bush" in English and it is unknown why his name is so vastly different in Korean.
  • George is one of the Miis that wear Black Armor in level 20 of Swordplay Showdown, along with the Boss Matt. He is very defensive and strikes often.
    • George wears the same type of Black Armor as Matt, but he is a tad bit smaller than him.
  • George appears in 10 Swordplay Showdown Stages. He appears in stages 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20.
  • He is the only canon Wii Sports Resort CPU Mii with those eyes.
  • George is one of the few CPU Miis who are Pro Class at nothing except Cycling.
  • In Basketball, George is the 1st player to come after Chika, but in Table Tennis, Chika is the 1st player to come after George.
  • Despite not having any facial hair, George does not use the default values for this facial feature. It is still the default black color but his mustache moved up by two stages and is decreased in size by two stages. This might be a remnant of an earlier design for George.
  • He and Mia are the only canon CPU Miis with that hairstyle.
  • In both Table Tennis and Basketball, George is right-handed.
  • He wears every color of armor.