My Miis Wiki
1959 shark
Title N/A
Full Name Goliath
Aliases {{{aliases}}}
Gender Male
Height {{{height}}}
Weight {{{weight}}}
Species {{{species}}}
Hair color Gray
Eyes Blue
Skin Tone White
Favorite Color White
Age Unknown
Date of birth Unknown
Date of death Unknown
Place of birth {{{born place}}}
Place of death {{{death place}}}
Country USA
Level Unknown
CPU Rank N/A
Ally Orville
Enemy N/A
Voice Actors N/A
Faction N/A

Goliath is the 6th character in game and the biggest, with 2 levels bigger then Harry the humphead wrasse or Peter in Shallow Seas and Reefo Relaxo and one level bigger then Layla the queen triggerfish. He is the first to fight the intruder. He can eat leopard sharks, like Layla the queen triggerfish. He's a great white shark. His levels introduce Orcas, medium leopard sharks, small pompano, small tuna, medium marlins, small cuttlefish, small john dorys and medium barracuda and Alien Intruder as a fish.

Goliath the great white shark is the sixth playable character in Feeding Frenzy 2. He hails in Sharktooth Ridge. As a shark, he is very fast and agile. In his largest form, he is at the absolute top of the food chain, capable of devouring all other fishes, including orcas (killer whales). He is the first fish ever to challenge The Intruder. Although Goliath ends up victorious, the Intruder is only weakened and manages to escape.
