My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

Title N/A
Gender Male
Favorite Color Brown
Level Tennis: Spectator only

Baseball: Teammate only

Boxing: Coach only

Guillermo (pronounced "gee-YEHR-mo") is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U. His Total Skill Level is 21, tied with every other Standard Baseball Teammate.

Wii Sports Club[]

He is only a baseball teammate and doesnt compete in anything else.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party. He is a standard CPU

Wii Sports Club 2[]

He is a *1 in Baseball. And in Tennis and Boxing he is a *10
