Hadassah is an 80-year-old CPU Mii that isn't very good in sports. But the only sport he is better in is Bowling. He good in it because when his father was younger, and Hadassah still child, he taught him how to play Bowling. His father was also a professional Bowling player and was one of the world best. In Tennis, Boxing and Baseball, he isn't good in it because he is old and not so strong and fast in it. In Golf, he is also a little good and learn it from his teacher Vashti. Now he likes it very much to play the piano and zither. Hadassah is the the best piano player in his family and mostly goes to a restaurant and plays it there.
He was born on January 5, 1934.
Wii Sports[]
The sport where he is best in, is Bowling.
He is also a little good in Golf, but not in Boxing, Tennis and Baseball.
He played Tennis one time but he didn't like it stopped.
Hadassah never played Baseball and Boxing and has a skill level of 0 in both games.
Bowling: 811
Golf: 502
Tennis: 49
Baseball: 0
Boxing: 0