My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

Title Swordplay Showdown Fourteenth Boss
Gender Male
Favorite Color Yellow Green
Level Swordplay: 161-165

Basketball: 1091-1095 (PRO)

Table Tennis: 281-285

Cycling: 7th out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 515+

Ian is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Resort and Wii Party. He is ranked #84 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. His Total Skill Level is 1653.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Swordplay Showdown, Ian is the Boss of Stage 14, Mountain Reverse. He is very defensive and strikes often. It is best if you get to him with 3 hearts. In Swordplay Duel and Speed Slice, his level is very low. His level is only 161-165 (the 11th worst player). He is one of the first Pros in Basketball, with a skill of 1091-1095. His teammates are Barbara and Oscar. In Table Tennis, Ian's level is 281-285. He is not very good and uses a Hotel Slipper (aka "bup" paddle due to the sound it makes) along with Emma, Chika, and Steve. He will, however, use a normal paddle if he is faced after the Champion is beaten. He is the 7th best Pro in Cycling, coming 7th out of 98.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Ian is a Standard Mii.


  • His Japanese and Korean names are both identical to his English name. (イアン / 이안)
  • In Table Tennis, rather than an ordinary paddle, Ian uses a hotel slipper ("bup" paddle due to the sound it makes). He does, however, use a regular paddle if played against after beating the Table Tennis champion.
    • The other Miis to use the "bup" paddle are Emma, Chika, and Steve, but Ian is the worst of them in Table Tennis.
  • Ian is the 2nd worst Boss in Swordplay Duel/Speed Slice. He is the worst male CPU Boss in Swordplay Duel/Speed Slice. He is the best boss in Basketball.
  • Miguel, Marco, Takashi, Ian, and Steph are the only bosses to use the fat bulky black armor.
  • Ian is the last male boss to wear the bulky armor.
  • Ian is the only Swordplay Showdown boss to wear yellow green, and he is the only boss to wear a unique color.
  • Ian is one of the three Miis to appear in the Swordplay Showdown thumbnail along with Holly and Jessie, strangely enough despite being the boss of Stage 14.
  • Despite Ian not wearing glasses, he does not use the default values for them. His glasses are blue instead of black and are one stage smaller. This could mean that he was going to have glasses but they were removed.
  • In Table Tennis and Basketball, Ian is left-handed.
  • Just like Marisa, he attacks quickly, but will sometimes take a few seconds to attack in stage 14 of Swordplay Showdown.
  • Ian is the only canon Standard Mii from Wii Party to have both a Mustache and Beard.
  • He and Patrick are the only canon CPU Miis with that beard.
  • In Wii Party, he, Steve and Maria are the only canon standard miis that wear light green.
  • Ian's skill level is always above 150 and below 1100.