My Miis Wiki
20201018 232312
Height: 127 cm
Title Terri (English nickname)
Gender Female
Favorite Color Red
Level Tennis: 775-825

Baseball: 820-900

Boxing: Unknown

Swordplay: 1200-1250 (PRO)

Basketball: 210-245

Table Tennis: 320-370

Cycling: 37th out of 98

Average: 557+

Total skill level: 4435.5 (Standard)

Tennis: Level ★3

Baseball: Level 7

Boxing: Level ★5

Average: Level ★2

Kaede (pronounced "KAH-EH-DEH") (English nickname Terri) is a Mii in Wii Sports (Resort), Wii Party, Wii Sports Club and Party U.

Wii Sports[]

She is above-average in Tennis, but is much challenging to fight against in Baseball. She does not play boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

She is fairly awful in Basketball and is below-average in Table Tennis. However, she is a PRO in Swordplay and is good in Cycling. Due to these, her skills are considered somewhat toned down, yet as balanced as in Wii Sports.

Wii Sports Club[]

She is very good in Tennis as a Level ☆3 CPU, and is quite good as a non-PRO in Baseball, as a Level 7 CPU. She is also a PRO in Boxing, at Level ☆5.

Wii Party[]

She is in the Standard Difficulty.

Wii Party U[]

She is in the Expert Difficulty.

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 8, high
  • Outfit(s): Maid Outfit
  • Role(s): Brawler

Miitopia Stats[]

  • Occupation: Scientist
  • Personality: Kind
  • Age Group: Child


  • According to internal data, her country of origin is Japan.
  • Her English nickname is Terri.
  • She is one of the only Miis with those eyebrows.
  • Her height value is set to 22 and her weight value is set to 60.
  • In the files of Miitopia, she is listed as Child.
    • She, along with Mayumi, are the only Miis of that age category with that hair.
  • Her name means "Maple Leaf" in Japanese.
  • She is an only Expert Mii in Wii Party U with that hairstyle.
  • She looks fairly similar to Miyu and Naoko, but with fair skin with light-pink shade.
  • She, Miyu, Glasses and Midori are the only Wii Sport CPUs with that hair.

