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Not to be confused with Kim, Kimi, Kimmy (Wii Sports Club), or Kim (Wii Sports Club).

Kim Kardashian is a CPU Mii. She is awful at everything. Her overall skill level is negative infinity.

Wii Sports

In Tennis, her skill is negative infinity because her butt is so huge, it has its own gravity. Kim Kardashian plays with a duplicate of herself. In Baseball, her skill is also negative infinity, and she always pitches "slowballs", and when fielding, her and her team members try to get famous instead of fielding. She plays with Kanye West, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Dolly the Cat, Cool Cat, Jeffy, Lou, and FGTeev Duddy. She doesn't play Boxing because it will ruin her plastic surgery.

Wii Sports Resort

In Swordplay, her skill is negative infinity, and she advertises her crappy makeup brand, and never strikes. In Table Tennis, her skill is negative infinity, and she just stands around Tweeting instead of playing. In Basketball, she plays with Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian. She always shoots the ball at the audience, because they know she should not be famous. She is absent from Cycling, as falling will ruin her plastic surgery.

Mii Hunger Games

She was in Year 2 of YA79's Hunger games, as District 12's female tribute, with Kanye being the male tribute.

Wii Party

She is an Absolute Beginner Mii.


  • She based on someone who is only famous for her crappy reality show and a tape with her ex that went viral.
  • She likes to take racy pics and post them online.
  • One time, she had her daughter, North, who was only four years old at the time, take a topless photo of her.
  • She can't take criticism.
  • She is very and mean and nasty to the Miis who are fans of her.
  • Her skills are opposite of Rebecca and Guru Ant.
  • Her skills are the same as Cool Cat's, Daddy Derek's and Dolly the Cat's.
  • She is responsible for causing the events of Mii Hunger Games: Year 1 (YA79), as well as Year 2, but Ariana, having 24 bottles of Revival Tea, put her in Kanye in the Hunger Games, to teach Kim a lesson.