This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.
Marco | |
Information | |
Title | Swordplay Showdown Seventh Boss
Boxing Vice Beginner |
Gender | Male |
Favorite Color | Green |
Level | Tennis: 400
Baseball: 430 Boxing: 110 Basketball: 660 Table Tennis: 56+ Cycling: 61st out of 98 Average: 464 |
Marco is a CPU Mii in Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party. He is ranked #90 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. His Total Skill Level is 2,851.
Wii Sports[]
In Tennis, Marco is average and his skill level is either 390 or 410 and he plays with Haru or Naomi. In Baseball, he does okay at skill 400-500. His Baseball team consists of himself, James, Jake, Mike, Oscar, Chris, Martin, Fumiko, and Misaki. Marco plays on the baseball teams of Anna, Yoshi, Ren, Lucía, Rachel, Ashley, Naomi, and Haru. In Boxing, his skill is low at only 100-200 (the 2nd worst player).
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Swordplay Showdown, Marco is the Boss of level 7. In Basketball, he is good. His skill is 656+ and he plays with Rainer and Marisa. In Swordplay, he is a Pro with a level of 1121-1125. In Table Tennis, he is the 4th worst player with a skill of only around 60. He is okay at Cycling, coming 61st out of 98.
Wii Party[]
In Wii Party, Marco is an Advanced Mii.
- His Japanese name is Maruko (マルコ).
- Marco is ambidextrous because he is right-handed in Tennis and Baseball, but is left-handed in Table Tennis, just like Elisa.
- He is the only Swordplay Showdown boss with that mouth.
- When faced with Boxing, the colors of his shorts and gloves match the colors of the flag of Italy, while coincidentally, Marco's name is of Italian origin. The same goes for Luca.
- This could, however, be just coincidental, as every opponent up to Matt uses red gloves and not all males with green shorts have implications of Italian descent.
- In his Wii Music artwork, he plays the Saxophone.
- Marco and Matt are the only male bosses who debuted in the original Wii Sports.