My Miis Wiki

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

"Maria" redirects here. If you're looking for the Mii from Wii Sports Club, go to Maria (Wii Sports Club). If you're looking for the Maria from Cool Cat, see Maria (Cool Cat).

Title Tennis Vice Champion
Gender Female
Favorite Color Yellow Green
Level Tennis: 1800/1900 (PRO)

Baseball: 1111-1307 (PRO)

Boxing: Unknown

Swordplay: 1016-1020 (PRO)

Basketball: 911-915

Table Tennis: 671-675

Cycling: 90th out of 98

Average: 1116

Maria is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party. She is ranked #8 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. Her Total Skill Level is 5,694.

Wii Sports[]

Maria is one of the best Miis, showing some of the best skills. She is at the 1800-1900 mark in Tennis (the 4th best player), and she often plays with Eva, sometimes with Tatsuaki. She is also a Pro in Baseball and plays on the Champion's team, who is Sakura. She has a team of Helen, Steve, Pierre, Takumi, Shinnosuke, Hiroshi, Rin, and Emily. Maria plays on the Baseball teams of David, Miyu, Nick, and Sakura. She doesn't play Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

Maria is the second Pro player in Swordplay, having a skill level of 1016-1020. She isn't a Pro in Basketball or Table Tennis but is good at both. In Basketball, she is near Pro Class, at 912 skill points, and her teammates are Saburo and Takumi. In Table Tennis, she is around 671-675 skill points. She is the ninth-worst at Cycling, coming 90th out of 98.

New Wii Sports[]

Her levels are the same as in Wii Sports. In Baseball, she appears on the teams of Mario, NellieJuhonSakuraNickMiyuDavid, and Mich.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Maria is a Standard Mii.


  • Her Japanese name is the same as her English name.
  • Maria is one of the Miis that wear Black Armor in level 13 of Swordplay Showdown, along with the Boss, Marisa. She is also one of the Miis that wear Black Armor in level 19 of Swordplay Showdown, along with the Boss, Yoko. She is very defensive and strikes often in her appearance on level 19.
  • She appears in every armor in Swordplay Showdown.
  • Maria is one of only six Miis that wear Black Armor more than once.
  • Along with Eva, Maria is the best female in Tennis outside Elisa's team.
  • She is one of the two Miis that uses purple armor thin on stage 17, the other being Jackie and they both are very defensive and strike often.
  • Maria appears in 11 Swordplay Showdown Stages. She appears in stages 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, and 20.
  • Maria is ambidextrous because she is left-handed in Tennis and Baseball Batting, but is right-handed in Baseball throwing and Table Tennis.
  • Maria and Maria from Wii Sports Club both play on Standard in the Wii Party games they are in.
  • Her skill level is always above 650.
  • Maria is the second best female CPU to debut in Wii Sports.
  • She appears as a Black Armored enemy on the reversed stages where the boss is a female Master Mii in Wii Party (Yoko, Marisa).