My Miis Wiki

Marie is a Mii from Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. She is ranked #58 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.

Wii Sports[]

She is good at tennis, with a skill level of 29347. In baseball, her skill level is 92389. She does not play boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Wii Sports Resort, her skill seems to decrease. In Swordplay, her skill level is 2893. In basketball, her skill level is 234. In table tennis, her skill is 2934.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, she is an Expert Mii.


  • She is related to Callie.
    • They are known as The Squid Sisters.
  • In the files of Miitopia, she is listed under Young.


Dadpleaseno's Miis

AbbyAlbertAlexander HamiltonAlfredAntonArchieBenBob the Tomato from VeggietalesBrentBrewsterBus Driver WaluigiBylethCallieCalvinChadtronicCharbaraChromColtonConnorConwaycscoopCupCurtisDeluxeDr. Goomba StackDrake JoshDundundunEastElizaEmo KidFailboatFreddy FazbearFunky KongGeorgeNotFoundGeorgeNotFound YoutoozGold MarioHarubbyHiker WarioHobbesHudsonHugboxI want dieIkeIncredibox GuyJarvis JohnsonJasjayJeb JabJerry AttricksJimmy CarterjschlattJuliesJustinKanye EastKay SwissKillianLego Indiana JonesLindsayLol byeLonkLord OwOLucasLucinaMarthMasahiro SakuraiMasonMattMattMarieMarinaMickeyMii BrawlerMii GunnerMii SwordfighterMikehaelMonikaMr. PersonNaomiNMeadeNormaNorthOdinOliviaPBGPearlPiranha PlantProJaredQuinnReggie Fils-AimeRex MohsRoySamSamSamanthaSansSapnapSapnap YoutoozSatoru IwataScott the WozShigeru MiyamotoLego ShoheiShohintaSilver MarioSimonSlimecicleSonyaSophiaSouthSpacehamsterSteel WoolSteveSvenSword0fSealsTechnoblade YoutoozTed NivisonTerry LeslerTimToddTommyInnitTommyInnit YoutooztravesTriangleTWD98TylerUsherVillagerVincenzitzWendy's EmployeeWestWilbur SootWilbur Soot YoutoozXanderYonekozxzxbeard
