My Miis Wiki

Masayoshi (pronounced "MAH-SAH-YO-SHEE" is a cpu mii made by Celeste, of the Season 1 and of the part 1.

Wii Sports[]

In Tennis, her level is 920.

In Baseball, her level is 694.

In Boxing, her level is 945, which she was almost close to be pro in this sport..

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Swordplay, her level is 700.

In Basketball, her level is 150, being completely very lower, compared to her levels in others sports.

In Table Tennis, her level is 706.

Wii Party[]

Its confirmed than she's a Advanced mii

Trivia and fun facts[]

She was inspired by : Lunchbox friends. Music did by Melanie Martinez. Despite than Masayoshi is a actual humanized riffle.

This is the first Mii created by Celeste than she's anti-pro.

Her Japanese name is in Hiragana, and the same as her English and Romaji name : まさよし

It's confirmed than she's Japanese.

It's also confirmed than she's a humanized riffle.

It's confirmed than her age group is Young
