My Miis Wiki
HEYimHeroic 3DS FACE-053 Matt.JPG
Title Boxing Beginner (Wii Sports Club)
Gender Male
Favorite Color Black
Level Boxing: Level 1

Tennis: Level ★10

Baseball: Level ★10

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon. If you're looking for the mii from Wii Sports go to Matt (Wii Sports).

Matt is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U. His Total Skill Level is 241. He is ranked #16 in rankings.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Tennis and Baseball, he is one of the best players at Level ★10 and is a Pro. However, in Boxing, he is the worst player at Level 1.

Wii Party U[]

In Wii Party U, Matt is in Expert Difficulty.

  • In Lap Happy, he is in 3rd place with a time of 0:34.20.

Wii Sports Deluxe[]

He is extremely awful in Boxing with a skill level between 30 and 121. He is a middleweight with average HP, Offense, durability, mobility, HP but poor speed, and defense.



  • His Japanese name is Matto. (マット)
  • Matt is the worst at Boxing. Ironically, the Wii Sports Mii of the same name (Matt) is the Boxing champion.
    • To add to the irony, Matt is one of the best players in both Baseball and Tennis while the Mii that has the same name as him does horrible in those sports.
  • Matt, despite being a great pro in two sports, is the worst at the other.
  • In the data files of Miitopia, he's listed as Young.
  • Even though Matt doesn't have facial hair except for the stubble, it is set to blonde instead of the default black color. This might be a remnant of an earlier design for Matt.


  • You fight against him as a first-time Boxing player if you are a male. Otherwise, you will encounter Ursula (2) if you are a female.
  • According to his internal data in Wii Sports Deluxe:
    • his height is 184 cm (6'0") and his weight is 172 lbs.
    • He was born in and lives in Brooklyn, New York.
    • His boxing record is 8 wins and eighteen losses.
    • He is 26 years old, and his birthday is June 26th.