A CPU's Median Skill Level is the median of their skill levels. If you were to order the CPUs' skill levels from least to greatest, this is the value in the middle, or, if they play in an even amount of sports, the average of the skills in the middle.
This is another indicator of how good the CPU Miis are because some CPUs have an absurdly high skill level in only one sport, like Arthur, Ella, or Bathaniel Nandy.
- Guru Ant [∞+]
- Rebecca [∞]
- Motak [10,021,352.5]
- Zang-hou [405,321]
- Misy [12999]
- Shane Dawson [11983.5]
- Jack [11893]
- Arthur [11758]
- Bathaniel Nandy [11023]
- Nugget [9682]
- Ella [3028]
- beef boss [2341.5]
- Nelly [1303]
- Midori [1258]
- Misaki [1063]
- Tyrone [1004]
- Elisa [967.5]
- James [896.5]
- Yoshi [853]
- Akira [839]
- Tatsuaki [686.5]
- Steph [628]
- Sandra [568]
- Fumiko [303.5]
- Cole [103]
- Megan [73]
- Miss [7]
- Daddy Derek [-∞]
- Cool Cat [-∞]
- Dolly the Cat [-∞]