My Miis Wiki
My Miis Wiki
Height: 112 cm
Title Frederick and Althea's daughter
Gender Female
Favorite Color Orange
Level Tennis: 1320 to 1380 (PRO)

Baseball: 250 to 290

Boxing: 1105 to 1275 (PRO)

Swordplay: 400 to 520

Basketball: 60 to 100

Table Tennis: 900 to 1000 (sometimes PRO)

Cycling: 94th out of 98

Average: 455+

Total skill level: 3213 (Standard)

Tennis: Level ★5

Baseball: Level ★10

Boxing: Level 5

Average: Level ★3

Melody is a Mii in Wii Sports (Resort), Wii Sports Club and Wii Party (U).

Wii Sports[]

She is a PRO in Tennis (she usually plays along with Michael or Kathrin), as well as Boxing.

She is fairly bad in Baseball, scoring from 250 to 290.

Wii Sports Resort[]

She is extremely awful in Basketball and Cycling.

She is OK in Swordplay, and is sometimes a PRO in Table Tennis.

Wii Sports Club[]

She is a PRO in Tennis and Baseball (as a top one), with the skill levels of Level ★5 and ★10, respectively.

She is average in Boxing though, at Level 5.

Wii Party[]

She is in the Standard difficulty.

Wii Party U[]

She is in the Advanced difficulty.

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 12, high
  • Outfit(s): Toad Outfit and Maid Outfit
  • Role(s): Brawler and Swordfighter

Miitopia Stats[]

  • Occupation: Cat
  • Personality: Airheaded
  • Age Group: Child


  • Her nationality is Japanese-American.
  • She is an only Table Tennis CPU who is sometimes a PRO.
  • She, Bunny and Teddy (2) are the only Child Miis in Miitopia with that mouth.
  • She and Ursula (2) are the only Standard Miis in Wii Party with that hairstyle.
  • She and Nancy are the only female Advanced Miis in Wii Party U with that hairstyle.
  • She plays with a violin in her Wii Music artwork.
  • Her height value is set to 0 and her weight value is set to 50.
  • She, Botan (Child version) and Chiyo are the shortest Miis, standing at 1.12 m (3'8").
  • She and Dorothy are the only female Advanced Miis in Wii Party U with that mouth (judging by the similarity).
  • She is always right-handed. 
  • In the files of Miitopia, she is listed as Child.
  • She shares the same Boxing and Baseball skill in Wii Sports Club of Mizuho, except Tennis where she is 5 levels lower than her.
  • She being a PRO in two sports in Wii Sports Club is similar to those of Mizuho, except that she is five levels lower in Tennis than that of hers.
  • She also appears in IAmAwesome2's upcoming Wii Sports mod.
  • She is the fifth worst player in Cycling, placed at 94th of 98th.
  • She is the daughter of Frederick and Althea, and her hair color is mixed from her parents' genes.
    • Also, she greatly looks like her mother.

