My Miis Wiki
Michiko (2)
20210716 020532
Height: 159 cm
Title Emilia (English nickname)
Gender Female
Favorite Color Purple
Level Tennis (Wii Sports Club): Level 3

Baseball (Wii Sports Club): Level ★7

Boxing (Wii Sports Club): Coach only

Average: Level 7

Michiko (2) (pronounced "MEE-CHEE-KO") (English nickname Emilia) is a Mii in Wii Party U and Wii Sports Club.

Wii Sports Club[]

She is somewhat bad in Tennis, only at Level 3. However, on the other hand, she is extremely good in Baseball, at Level ☆7. She does not play Boxing, as she acts only as a coach there.

Wii Party U[]

She is an Expert Mii.


Kind, elegant, introvert and studious.


  • According to internal data, she is classified as Young in Miitopia.
  • Her height value is set to 59 and her weight value is set to 40.
  • According to internal data, her country of origin is Japan.
  • She is also known as Emilia as her English nickname.
  • She is one of the Miis being shown in the Miitopia Switch showcased, with make-up.

