Mii Big Brother is the first season of YA79's Mii Big Brother series. 21 houseguests competed.
This was an interactive sim, and YA79 played as Jade.
As a twist, pregame alliance, the Wiki 5 was made on Wii Sports Wiki, and users were asked who they would align with based on the contestant biographies.
Despite the Wiki 5 seemingly running the game, Mike’s loyalty, athleticism, and strategic play helped him win against Veronica in a 10-1 vote.
- Anna (64)- Army veteran
- Chess (19)- College student
- Cliff (32)- Pro poker player
- Frederick (33)- English teacher
- Gary (29)- Event planner
- Guillermo (73)- Retired actor
- Isabelle (28)- Model
- Jade (20)- Singer/Youtuber/dancer/athlete
- Jessica (18*)- Student
- Jessie (20)- Art student
- Kevin (25)- Skateboarder
- Kira (32)- Pro poker player
- Kitty (25)- Flight attendant
- Lawrence (80)- Retired graphic designer
- Maximilian (18*)- Student
- Mike (27)- Racecar driver
- Nyasha (40)- Stay-at-home mom
- Olga (27)- Anti furry bullying activist
- Sean (37)- PE teacher
- Sveta (23)- Dancer
- Veronica (25)- Foster parent recruiter
The season began with 21 houseguests. The first HoH, Sean, nominated Nyasha and Sveta, citing lack of communication with both. While Sveta set up connections and an alliance, Nyasha did a poor job campaigning, and even Olga, a member of her alliance flipped and got her out. Next, Gary nominated Kira and Olga, and Kira was very bitter and unsportsmanlike, leading to her demise. Frederick was next, due to a lack of allies. Sean, his only ally was out next, due to poor ally management, and also accidentally making an inappropriate and xenophobic comment about Sveta's Russian heritage. He was evicted, and apologized for his actions. Then Kitty was evicted, as after Guillermo was put on the chopping block, Jade and Jessie could persuade the Wiki 5 to keep Guillermo, so the two could save their other alliance member. Sveta was next, due to her poor campaigning and Gary’s popularity. Next came Kevin, for having no allies. The last pre-juror, Lawrence was evicted because of Gary’s popularity.
Maximilian was next, as a strong majority alliance convinced Jade and Jessie to get him out, thus becoming the first juror. Next, Cliff got out, due to lack of allies and Guillermo’s good standings. Chess followed, due to lack of allies. Guillermo was next, due to his alliance ditching him. Gary was next, due to Mike’s popularity. Then came Isabelle, due to Mike leading his alliance. The Wiki 5 wanted Anna out, but Lucky 7 wanted Mike out. The vote tied, and Veronica, a Wiki 5 member, evicted Anna. Olga was next, due to failure to be in the majority. Then came Jade, after a tie, due to Veronica, the HoH, hating her. After that was Jessie, with Veronica liking Jessica more.
The Final 3 was Jessica, Mike, and Veronica. Mike won HoH, and chose to eliminate Jessica, for being harder to beat.
At the jury deliberation, Mike was praised for multiple challenge wins, loyalty, and strategic game. While Veronica recieved mixed reception, she was praised for her loyalty. Ultimately, Mike won in a 10-1 vote against Veronica.
At the reunion, Cliff, for being a great person and player, won the Fan Favorite Award, with Jessica and Guillermo as the runners-up. Mike discussed winning, Maximilian discussed the Wiki 5. Olga discussed representation in the game, Anna discussed Mii Hunger Games, and Cliff discussed being the favorite.
Episode | HoH | Nominated | PoV
(Saved) |
Post-Veto Noms. | Evicted | Reason |
1 | Sean | Nyasha, Sveta | Kira
(no one) |
Nyasha, Sveta | Nyasha (10-8) | Did a poor job campaigning, as well as Olga flipping on her alliance to get her out. |
2 | Gary | Kira, Olga | Gary
(no one) |
Kira, Olga | Kira (11-6) | Her blowups and poor sportsmanship alienated the houseguests. |
3 | Guillermo | Frederick, Lawrence | Veronica
(no one) |
Frederick, Lawrence | Frederick (11-5) | His lack of allies and the fact he failed to form strong alliances. |
4 | Jessie | Kevin, Sean | Mike
(no one) |
Kevin, Sean | Sean (13-2) | He isolated himself, after his only ally Frederick was evicted. |
5 | Mike | Cliff, Kitty | Jade
(Cliff) |
Guillermo, Kitty | Kitty (9-5) | Jade and Jessie could persuade the Wiki 5 to get out Kitty, to keep their other alliance safe. |
6 | Jade | Gary, Kevin | Kevin
(Kevin) |
Gary, Sveta | Sveta (8-5) | She had worse relationships with the houseguests, and people wanted Gary to stay. |
7 | Cliff | Jade, Maximilian | Jade
(Jade) |
Kevin, Maximilian | Kevin (12-0) | He lost his ally, Veronica, and the houseguests did not feel Kevin was to be trusted. |
8 | Jessie | Gary, Lawrence | Jessie
(no one) |
Gary, Lawrence | Lawrence (7-4) | Gary campaigned better, and they felt Lawrence was annoying. |
9 | Mike | Cliff, Guillermo | Isabelle
(Cliff) |
Guillermo, Maximilian | Maximilian (6-4) | A strong majority alliance got Jessie and Jade to betray and vote him out, and Cliff liked Guillermo better. |
10 | Jessica | Anna, Guillermo | Mike
(Guillermo) |
Anna, Cliff | Cliff (8-1) | He had no allies and Guillermo had better social standings. |
11 | Olga | Chess, Gary | Mike
(Gary) |
Chess, Isabelle | Chess (8-0) | Chess had no allies, and Isabelle was liked more. |
12 | Mike | Guillermo, Jade | Jade
(Jade) |
Guillermo, Olga | Guillermo (4-3) | Going forward, olga would be more of an asset to Lucky 7. |
13 | Jessie | Gary, Isabelle | Jade
(Isabelle) |
Gary, Mike | Gary (5-1) | Mike was so popular, and Gary and Mike’s alliance favored Mike. |
14 | Olga | Isabelle, Jessica | Jade
(Jessica) |
Isabelle, Mike | Isabelle (4-1) | Her alliance favored Mike, as well as Wiki 5. |
15 | Veronica | Anna, Mike | Jade
(no one) |
Anna, Mike | Anna (3*-2) | Wiki 5 wanted her out, but Lucky 7 wanted Mike out. Veronica broke the tie. |
16 | Jade | Mike, Veronica | Mike
(Mike) |
Olga, Veronica | Olga (3-0) | The Wiki 5 and Mike's alliance wanted her out. |
17 | Veronica | Mike, Jade | Mike
(Mike) |
Jade, Jessica | Jade (2*-1) | After a tie, Veronica got Jade out, due to a poor relationship. |
18 | Mike | Jessie, Veronica | Veronica
(Veronica) |
Jessica, Jessie | Jessie (1-0) | Veronica wanted Jessica in the end more than Jessie. |
19 | Mike | Jessica, Veronica | None | Jessica, Veronica | Jessica (1-0) | Mike felt Veronica would be an easier opponent. |
Finale | none | Mike, Veronica | None | Mike, Veronica | Veronica (10-1) | Failed to get more jury votes than Mike. |
Jury Votes[]
Mike | Veronica |
Maximilian | |
Cliff | |
Chess | |
Guillermo | |
Gary | |
Isabelle | |
Anna | |
Olga | |
Jade | |
Jessie | |
Jessica |
- You can play your own here.
- 3 contestants from Mii Hunger Games 3, Anna, Guillermo, and Olga (Millie) appear, but with modified appearances.