My Miis Wiki
20210513 002150
Title None
Gender Female
Favorite Color Yellow
Level Tennis: 1170-1200 (PRO)

Baseball: 780-900

Boxing: 420-490

Swordplay: 390-415

Basketball: 875-915

Table Tennis: 1350-1390 (PRO)

Cycling: 35th out of 98

Average: 637+

Tennis: Level 9

Baseball: Level ★4

Boxing: Level 8

Level: 10

Nadine is a Mii in Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Sports Club, Wii Party and Wii Party U.

Wii Sports[]

She is quite good in Baseball, and is a PRO in Tennis but is average in Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

She is quite good in Cycling and Basketball as she is a PRO there, except Basketball and Cycling. She is average in Swordplay though.

Wii Sports Club[]

She is a PRO in Baseball at Level ★4 and is quite good as a non-PRO in Boxing and Tennis, at Levels 8 and 9, respectively.

Wii Party U[]

She is an Advanced Mii.

Wii Party[]

She is an Advanced Mii.

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 2, high
  • Outfit: Business Suit
  • Role: Swordfighter


Pleasant, outgoing, forward-thinking and optimistic


  • In Miitopia, she is categorized as Young.
  • She is an American.
  • Her height value is set to 75 and her weight value is set to 40.
  • She is an only Advanced Mii in Wii Party U with that hairstyle.