My Miis Wiki
20200913 021126
Height: 174 cm
Title The Pixel Gun 3D Hero
Gender Male
Favorite Color Red
Level Tennis: 170 to 250

Baseball: 1250 to 1375 (PRO)

Boxing: 1350 to 1425 (PRO)

Swordplay: 890 to 1005 (sometimes PRO)

Basketball: 725 to 775

Table Tennis: 450 to 495

Cycling: 19th out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 1067+

Total skill level: 6099 (Advanced)

Tennis: Level 8

Baseball: Level ★6

Boxing: Level ★4

Average: Level ★3

Newbie is a Mii in Wii Sports (Resort), Wii Party (U) and Wii Sports Club.


He has a brown short hair with receding hairline. He has thick eyes, prominent nose, oblong (90° right-turn "D" shape if Wii version) grin and a four o' clock shadow with a small thick beard in the middle (stubble only if Wii version).

Wii Sports[]

He is a PRO in all sports, making him a challenge to beat him in higher levels.

However, Tennis is the exception as he is not very good there. Still, do not be fooled by his name.

Wii Sports Resort[]

He is sometimes a PRO in Swordplay.

He is OK in Table Tennis.

He is a PRO in cycling.

Despite not being a PRO in Basketball, he is still a challenge to fight against.

Wii Party[]

He is an Expert Mii.

Wii Party U[]

He is an Expert Mii.

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 3, low
  • Outfit: Default Outfit
  • Role: Gunner

Miitopia Stats[]

  • Occupation: Dark Lord
  • Age Group: Young


Brave, outgoing, alert and trigger-happy


  • In the files of Miitopia, he is listed as Young.
  • As his name and appearance suggests, he is based from a campaign protagonist and newbie skin from Pixel Gun 3D. However, his skin seems to be derived from the popular "Griefer" skin created by gab51299 of Planet Minecraft.
    • After Pixel Gun used the skin, he answered the question if they had copied the skin from Pixel Gun or if the company copied his skin as the following: "Yes, Pixel Gun (World) took this skin from me without my permission." It has been proven that the skin had existed longer than the game since there are comments from as long ago as 6 years ago. (Source: Pixel Gun Wiki)
  • His name has no bearing whatsoever to his skill levels.
  • His height value is set to 81 and his weight value is set to 65.
  • His name does not reflect on his actual skills, so do not let his name fool you.
  • His Wii version has a faint stubble without mustache, slightly dark yellow skin and a D-shaped grin.
  • He is an only Swordplay opponent who is sometimes a PRO.
  • He, Bob (2) and Scott are the only male Expert Miis in Wii Party U with that mouth.

