My Miis Wiki
20201017 023523
Height: 162 cm
Title None
Gender Female
Favorite Color Red
Level Tennis: 1105-1150 (PRO)

Baseball: 440-515

Boxing: Unknown

Swordplay: 1000-1070 (PRO)

Basketball: 895-920

Table Tennis: 885-910

Cycling: 22th out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 1037+

Total skill level: 5678 (Advanced)

Tennis: Level 9

Baseball: Level 8

Boxing: Level ★2

Average: Level 10

Nina is a Mii in Wii Sports (Resort), Wii Party, Wii Sports Club and Party U.

Wii Sports[]

She is a PRO in Tennis, but is okay in Baseball. She does not play Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

She is still a force to be reckoned with despite not being a PRO in Basketball and Table Tennis, as she is quite challenging to beat. She is a PRO in Swordplay and Cycling.

Wii Sports Club[]

She is very good in Tennis and Baseball, with the grade of 9 and 8, respectively. She is a PRO in Boxing, at the grade of ☆2.

Wii Party[]

She is in the Advanced difficulty.

Wii Party U[]

She is in the Expert difficulty.

SSBU Data[]

  • Voice: Type 4, high
  • Outfit(s): SSB T-Shirt
  • Role(s): Brawler and Swordfighter


Helpful, optimistic, athletic and carefree


  • According to internal data, her country of origin is Spain.
  • In the files of Miitopia, she is listed as Young.
  • Her height value is set to 83 and her weight value is set to 60.
  • Oddly, her overall Table Tennis skills is basically the same to that of her Basketball skill but is subtracted by 10.
  • She, Dalisay, and Giovanna are the only CPUs with that hair.
    • Similarly, she and Giovanna are the only Advanced Miis in Wii Party with that hair. The same goes for her and Dalisay as Expert Miis in Wii Party U.