My Miis Wiki

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A CPU's Overall Skill Level is calculated by finding the mean of their skills in the sports that they play.

Note: Miis without skill levels are not included here. If I haven't added their skill level yet, then they won't be on here, but once I add their skills, they will be listed here.


  1. Piranha Plant [unknown large number, although higher than #2]

2. Brent [166666666666708860]

3. Hiker Wario [7522913172155441]

4. Byleth [456453304646892]

4. Chrom [456453304646892]

4. Ike [456453304646892]

4. Lucina [456453304646892]

4. Marth [456453304646892]

4. Roy [456453304646892]

10. Curtis [54057542260542]

11. Ted Nivison [41041120506645]

12. Mii Swordfighter [26562995877588]

13. Mii Brawler [22135829897961]

14. Steve [16124974495269]

15. zxzxbeard: [2785602783333.3]

16. Slimecicle [731331352.3]

17. ProJared [666740944.8]

18. PBG [168501331.1]

19. Spacehamster [167377607.3]

20. Chadtronic [167138448.8]

21. Sans [150250083.6]

22. Sven [32645453.6]

23. Alfred [22782836.3]

24. Eliza [20286464.6]

25. Conway [16548753]

26. Reggie Fils-Aime [1862347.6]

27. Mickey [1032862.8]

28. Hobbes [908227.3]

29. Lord OwO [860270.6]

30. jay [777245]

31. Calvin [641959.3]

32. Drake Josh [522118.6]

33. Norma [484976.6]

34. Sonya [460963]

35. TWD98 [426822.1]

36. cscoop [383811.5]

37. Wendy's Employee [236797.5]

37. Shigeru Miyamoto [210554.8]

38. Funky Kong [173684]

39. Lego Indiana Jones [141407.8]

40. Satoru Iwata [99999]

41. Sam [80599.1]

42. Hugbox [80266.6]

43. Ben [78521.3]

44. jschlatt [77928.6]

45. Abby [77754.2]

46. traves [75235]

47. Callie [74376]

48. Tim [69389.1]

49. Masahiro Sakurai [66402]

50. Pearl [45127.3]

51. North [44672.3]

52. Sophia [43403]

53. Mason [36448.6]

54. Marina [32697.6]

55. Alexander Hamilton [31223]

56. Albert [31169.3]

57. South [29677.8]

58. Marie [25559.4]

59. Kanye East [24684.3]

60. Scott the Woz [23995.8]

61. East [22522.8]

62. West [22404.6]

63. Gold Mario [19694]

64. Hudson [16251]

65. Jeb Jab [15904.3]

65. Silver Mario [13129.3]

66. Naomi [12685.3]

67. Mr. Person [11805.8]

68. Jarvis Johnson [6514.3]

69. Dundundun [4272]

70. Julies [4103.1]

71. Olivia [2986.2]

72. Anton [1952.6]

73. Shohinta [1927]

74. Matt [1883]

75. Jimmy Carter [1641.3]

76. Charbara [1627]

77. Mikehael [1613.8]

78. I want die [1579]

79. Harubby [1496.2]

80. Vincenzitz [1132]

81. Todd [1063.8]

82. Lego Shohei [1001]

83. Samantha [933.4]

84. Brewster [850]

85. Simon [722.1]

86. Incredibox Guy [623.3]

87. Tyler [417.6]

88. Lindsay [287.2]

89. Failboat [250.5]

90. Emo Kid [89.6]

91. Villager [42]

92. Lol bye [9.1]

93. Lucas [4]

94. Lonk [2]

TBA: Jeb Jab, Jerry Attricks, Kay Swiss, Rex Mohs, Steel Wool, Terry Lesler, Wendy's Employee

Rankings (Wii Sports Club)[]

  1. Technoblade Youtooz [29002495129002302]

2. Wilbur Soot Youtooz [29002169031525511]

3. GeorgeNotFound Youtooz [32836515397.6]

4. TommyInnit Youtooz [29124217349.3]

5. Sapnap Youtooz [554228714.6]

6. Wilbur Soot [44]

7. GeorgeNotFound [43]

8. TommyInnit [42.6]

9. Sapnap [42]

10. Cup [31.6]

11. Deluxe [30]

12. Triangle [8.5]

12. Yoneko [8.5]

14. Xander [8]

15. Odin [5]

TBA: None at the moment

Dadpleaseno's Miis

AbbyAlbertAlexander HamiltonAlfredAntonArchieBenBob the Tomato from VeggietalesBrentBrewsterBus Driver WaluigiBylethCallieCalvinChadtronicCharbaraChromColtonConnorConwaycscoopCupCurtisDeluxeDr. Goomba StackDrake JoshDundundunEastElizaEmo KidFailboatFreddy FazbearFunky KongGeorgeNotFoundGeorgeNotFound YoutoozGold MarioHarubbyHiker WarioHobbesHudsonHugboxI want dieIkeIncredibox GuyJarvis JohnsonJasjayJeb JabJerry AttricksJimmy CarterjschlattJuliesJustinKanye EastKay SwissKillianLego Indiana JonesLindsayLol byeLonkLord OwOLucasLucinaMarthMasahiro SakuraiMasonMattMattMarieMarinaMickeyMii BrawlerMii GunnerMii SwordfighterMikehaelMonikaMr. PersonNaomiNMeadeNormaNorthOdinOliviaPBGPearlPiranha PlantProJaredQuinnReggie Fils-AimeRex MohsRoySamSamSamanthaSansSapnapSapnap YoutoozSatoru IwataScott the WozShigeru MiyamotoLego ShoheiShohintaSilver MarioSimonSlimecicleSonyaSophiaSouthSpacehamsterSteel WoolSteveSvenSword0fSealsTechnoblade YoutoozTed NivisonTerry LeslerTimToddTommyInnitTommyInnit YoutooztravesTriangleTWD98TylerUsherVillagerVincenzitzWendy's EmployeeWestWilbur SootWilbur Soot YoutoozXanderYonekozxzxbeard
