Ramon is a Wii Sports Mii that is created by Teh Sweggurboi. Ramon has a respectable sports career and has operated at the highest level of many sports for quite some time (almost 20 years now), Tennis and Mario Kart Wii being most worth mentioning. He is now 38 and his professional career will soon come to an end, but he always postpones his retirement from Pro level because he likes it so much and still wants to compete with the younger athletes. He has always been very consistent, but now his results vary from as good as he always has been to Ramon unworthy. Tennis is still his best sport, and he is also still Pro in Billiards. In Mario Kart Wii, Ramon's favorite vehicle is the Aero Glider, which is the fastest kart of all, but isn't good at making turns. That causes that Ramon sometimes wins races with big lead, and sometimes finishes in last place because he went into skid several times. His skill level is 1697.
Wii Sports[]
Ramon is one of the oldest Tennis players ever to have a skill level above 1750. He can still compete with the very best, but it gets harder and harder for him. His swings are still deadly and well-placed, but he lacks some speed around the court. Still, he likes to try new things out, like new ways to put backspin on the ball. His services are still as powerful as they ever were. In Baseball he lost his Pro status recently (the highest level he ever reached was 1255) but he still is a great pitcher and he intimidates players from the other team with the speed and control he throws the ball. In Boxing Ramon even had a skill level of 1467, but now his level has almost halved. He likes to do it but it has become quite tough for him over the past couple of years. In Bowling and Golf he has always been quite average, but he once hit a Birdie in Golf.
Tennis = 1785 (PRO)
Baseball = 808
Bowling = 511
Golf = 429
Boxing = 777