My Miis Wiki
HAA 0047
Title Rasta
Gender Female
Favorite Color Yellow Green
Level {{{level}}}

Rasta (pronounced "RA-stuh", short a in the first syllable) is a CPU Mii.

Wii Sports[]

In Tennis her level is 456. In Boxing her level is 1239-1247 and is a Pro. In Baseball her level is 103050 and has a team of herself, Funta, Christine, Jon, Ariella, Jack, Bathaniel Nandy, Jocelynn, and Northwest. She appears on the teams of Guru Ant, Rebecca, Ella, Ned Flanders, and Sophie.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Swordplay her skill is 11. In Basketball her skill is 982 and plays with Furtam and Fasbi. In Table Tennis she is good, with a skill of 985.

Wii Party[]

Rasta is a Beginner CPU.
