Reggie Fils-Aime is a Mii. He is ranked #26 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.
Wii Sports[]
In Wii Sports, Reggie is a good Mii. In baseball, he has a skill level of 3000000000000. In boxing, he has a skill level of 9999999. In tennis, he has a skill level of 45000000. He pairs with Miyamoto.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Wii Sports Resort, he is good at all sports. His basketball skill level is [[1]], and he teams with Miyamoto and Alexander Hamilton. In table tennis, he has a skill level of 21321. In swordplay, he has a skill level of 12211.
- He is based on the former President of NOA (Nintendo of America)'s Mii shown in the Tomodachi Life Direct back in 2014.
- He left Nintendo in 2019.
- He started working for GameStop in 2020.
- There is a costume based on this Mii, as seen in the gallery.
- The costume has brown eyes instead of black eyes.
- Mii Fighters were revealed for Super Smash Brothers for WIi U/3DS with a trailer of him and Iwata fighting.
- In the files of Miitopia, he is listed as Middle.
- He is the hottest person alive.