My Miis Wiki

Wii Sports[]

In Tennis, she is a Pro with a skill level of 1562 and plays with her granddaughter Areeg. In Baseball, she is a Pro with a skill level of 1423 and her team consists of her, AreegMoustafaFatenLamarMohamedAhmedEthar and Arwa. Surprisingly, her teammates are her family. In Bowling, she is a pro with a skill level of 1014. In Golf, she is not a pro, but she's great with her a skill level of 950. She does not appear in Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

coming soon

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Sabah is a Beginner Mii.

Wii Sports Club[]

coming soon

Wii Party U[]

coming soon


  • Her Arabian name is صباح.
  • She is Egyptian.
  • Sabah is in every baseball team except Hero and Lamar.
  • Her name is pronounced "sa-BAH".


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