Salmonree is a CPU Mii.
Wii Sports[]
In Tennis his level is -1 nonillion (30 zeros) and plays with Alli or a duplicate of himself who is equally bad. In Baseball his level is -5 trillon (12 zeros) and plays with 8 duplicates. In Boxing, surprisingly, his level is 1.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Swordplay Duel, his level is -9 quadrillon (15 zeros) and you can defeat him by pressing (A) or (2) when you face him. In Speed Slice he has the same level, and it takes him 1 hour to slice 1 object. In Showdown he is the boss of level -8. In Basketball, his level is -65 quintillon (18 zeros) and plays with two Salmonree duplicates. In Table Tennis, his level is -90.
Wii Sports Club[]
In Boxing his grade is Grade ★-1 decillion (33 zeroes). His grade in Bowling is -★900 decillion (33 zeroes).
- He has the same skills as Gary.