Satoru Iwata (pronounced "SAH-TOH-ROO" "EE-WAH-TAH") is a Mii from Wii Sports. He is ranked #40 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.
Wii Sports[]
He is good at all sports, and that is to honor his legacy. In tennis, his skill level is 99999. He plays with Sakurai. In Baseball, he is also good with a skill level of 99999. In boxing, his skill level is 99999.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In WSR, he also is good at everything. His skill in everything is 99999. In basketball, he plays with Sakurai and someone.
Wii Party/Wii Party U[]
In Wii Party and Wii Party U, Iwata is an Advanced Master Mii. Again, this was to honor his legacy.
- He is based on the former president of Nintendo.
- He passed away in 2015.
- Mii Fighters were revealed for Super Smash Brothers for WIi U/3DS with a trailer of him and Reggie fighting.
- He won Year 1 of Dadpleaseno's Mii Hunger Games with 5 kills.
- This was the most kills anyone got in Year 1.
- In the files of Miitopia, he is listed as Middle.