Not to be confused with Shigeru (Wii Sports).
Shigeru Miyamoto (pronounced "SHEE-GEH-ROO" "MEE-YAH-MOH-TOH") is a Mii. He is ranked #37 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.
Wii Sports[]
In wii sports, Miyamoto is good. In boxing, he has a skill level of 999. He is almost a pro. In tennis, he is level 9999 and plays with Reggie. In baseball, he is good. He has a skill level of 99998, one level below Iwata.
Wii Sports Resort[]
His Table tennis skill is the same as his Tennis skill, at 9999 skill points. In basketball, He has a skill of 31223, and he plays with Reggie and Alexander Hamilton. In swordplay, he is good, with a skill of [[1]].
- In the files of Miitopia, he is listed as Middle.
- He is the creator of the original Super Mario Bros.