My Miis Wiki
The ShortMiao Mii.

ShortMiao (Mii)

Pronounced "Short-meee-ah-oh".

ShortMiiao is a Mii inspired by the creator himself, ShortMiao. (NOT EVERYTHING IS INSPIRED AND/OR IS REAL.) (Also ShortMiao is pronounced "short-me-ah-oh".)


ShortMiiao is not a canon Mii, but he does indeed exist, therefore his skill levels are real. He's also available to transfer in your own Mii Plaza on your Wii via the Check Mii Out Channel by inputting the code 4041-7865-4339. DO NOT USE HIM though in any games OR channels that require Miis, such as Wii Sports or the Check Mii Out Channel etc.


He was an average kid enjoying playing Wii Sports in the mid 2000s, and he dreamed of playing in the sports. When the sequel Wii Sports Resort came out, his dream was encouraged even more. So, he had decided: when he grew up, he wanted to play in the Wii sports. Years later, he visited Wuhu Island, and that's where he took off. His years of training with the game were for something, in the end. He played in many beloved and popular sports, like Boxing, Swordplay, Tennis and others. But his dream wasn't completely fulfilled just yet: he wanted to be BIG in the sports, he wanted to become champion. After many losses and many wins, ShortMiiao finally managed to beat Matt, the Boxing champion. So, what was his next target? Well, it was becoming the Swordplay champion, and after many losses and difficult and elaborate strategies, he finally managed to beat Matt yet again and become champion. He continued winning until he became a SUPERSTAR in Swordplay. Matt was probably not enough for him. He played in Table Tennis and almost became champion, too.

But, ShortMiiao was finally able to accomplish what he had always dreamed of: become champion in his favorite sports. After that, he paused his sports career and went on to still be famous in the world. He became a warrior to fight an evil figure in a small city, he even met Super Mario multiple times. He was interviewed multiple times, and he also talked about a certain debut in the music industry. His journey wasn't over just yet, though. He discovered a new place called "Spocco Square" thanks to the game Nintendo Switch Sports. He also discovered it wasn't too far from Wuhu Island. And so, he decided to go there and play in more sports! When he arrived, he immediately went to play in Chambara, where he found out that Matt was also there, but he didn't know that he was way better than he thought. After learning Matt's strategy, he finally beat him. But he didn't know about the other people on the island, and they weren't Miis. They looked like those weird creatures called humans. But he knew there were more Miis on the island. He still battled them and won a lot of times, but it was now time to try the other sports, like volleyball. He absolutely loved it, much like Chambara. It was really fun. He then played in Tennis, and already knowing he wasn't that good there, he didn't change much. He then tried Soccer, and he also had a lot of fun there too. He tried golf and he knew he also wasn't good there, and he stayed like that here too. He tried Badminton, and he was pretty decent actually. He then discovered that he absolutely dominated in Bowling, something he didn't really do in the other Wii sports. Overall, he had a lot of fun in Spocco Square, and he was gonna stay there for a while.


Wii Sports[]

In Boxing, he is officially a CHAMPION, with a whopping skill level of 2145!

In Tennis, he's not too good and is a beginner, with a skill level of 86.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Swordplay Duel, he is officially a SUPERSTAR with a skill level of 2500 (MAX LEVEL)! His skill level in Speed Slice is 1200. 2500 (MAX LEVEL) is his skill level in Showdown, making him, yet again, a SUPERSTAR!

In Table Tennis, he is officially an EXPERT with a skill level of 1409.

Nintendo Switch Sports[]

In Chambara, he has a D rank and also beat Matt with one sword.

He also played all the other sports: Volleyball, Bowling, Tennis, Golf, Badminton and Soccer.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, he has a MASTER level in all the modes that have it as an unlockable, meaning he is once again, very good.

Wii Music[]

ShortMiiao is planning to debut in the music industry soon. Check his interview in the "Interviews" paragraph.

Rhythm Heaven FEVER/Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise[]

He is pretty good, having 100 of rhythm and 11 medals.

Mario Kart Wii[]

He is also decent here, having beaten all of the cups in 1st place in 50cc, 100cc and 150cc. He has yet to beat Mirror Mode.

Mii Plaza[]

ShortMiiao is pretty well known for passing by the Mii Plaza sometimes. He doesn't do it as often now, but that might change sometime in the future. He has participated in some events (minigames), actually.

Trivia, fun facts and more.[]

ShortMiao (Mii)/ShortMiiao is friends with Rubbyboy (Mii), Gotschi (Mii), Ju™ (Mii), MR EL (Mii), Graham (Mii) and Dry Bones (Mii - by makawuhu).

His favorite games are Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort for the Wii.

He owns a Wii, a Nintendo DSi, a Nintendo 3DS and a Nintendo Switch.

He lives in Miao Island, Tomodachi Life.

His favorite place to visit is Wuhu Island.

His favorite sports in the Wii Sports series are Boxing, Bowling and Swordplay.

His brother is named Equazioneh.

His favorite console is the Wii.

He's Matt's friend.


"Mr. Miiao, how do you feel about being a Superstar in Swordplay?"

"Well, I have to say, it's quite an experience. The fame is everywhere I go now."

"And is it the same for the other sports like Boxing?"

"Yes, for every sport I become champion in, the fans are all over the place and cheer me even more than they did before."

"Thank you, and what do you have to say about your debut in the music industry?"

"Well, I don't have a date for it just yet, it could happen tomorrow or the next month or even the next year, but as things stand now, it's going to come soon in the next days."

"Ok. Now let's go to more personal questions, do you mind?"

"Absolutely not, ask what you want."

"Alright: what do you think of Wuhu Island?"

"It's a magical place where anyone can find something they'll have fun on. There's always something to do. Truly a paradise."

"We all think that Mr. Miao, we all do. Another question: will you ever debut in other sports like Badminton and Chanbara in the "Nintendo Switch" sports?"

"Only time will tell, but I certainly would enjoy to."

"Alright. Thank you for your answers. This was Mii News, I'm off."

Iconic quotes[]

Sono bello. - I'm beautiful.

Sono veramente bravo ai videogiochi. - I'm really good at video games.

Sono divertente. - I'm funny.

La Wii è il goat. - The Wii is goated.

Anche il Nintendo 3DS è il goat. - The Nintendo 3DS is also goated.


Page and Mii made by ShortMiao.

Thanks for reading!

*This page will get updated over time, adding links, more appearances, trivia and other stuff.
