My Miis Wiki

Sir Relkinstein is a YouTuber, he has played several Wii mods, including Wii Sports Resort: Storm Island and RiiMajor, JimmyKazakhstan liked his RiiMajor streams enough to join his streams and help commentate with him, he also added Sir Relkinstein's Mii as a new Mii in Storm Island.


Sir Relkinstein's Mii has brown-red short hair, red glasses, thin, short, brown eyebrows, red glasses, a small nose and a smile. His favourite colour is green.

Appearances in mods[]

Relkinstein in WSR-SI

Relkinstein in Storm Island Speed Slice

Relkinstein's Mii appears as a new character in Wii Sports Resort: Storm Island, along with several other people, he can be fought in Swordplay Speed Slice and has a level of 805-810.

Relkinstein can also be seen on Tommy's basketball team, where he replaces Stéphanie.

Relkinstein in Storm Island Basketball

Relkinstein on Tommy's basketball team

v - e - dStorm Series
Storm Island
JimmyKazakhstan | AdamCrossing | Paniaal | Sir Relkinstein
Storm City
JimmyKazakhstan | TBD