Not to be confused with Sophia or Sophia (Wii Sports Resort).
Sophia is a Mii from Wii Sports Resort. She is ranked #52 out of Dadpleaseno's Miis.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Wii Sports Resort, Sophia is good. In Table Tennis, her skill level is 89489. In Swordplay, her skill level is 38332. In basketball, her skill level is 2388 and she plays with Naomi and Mason.
Wii Party[]
In Wii Party, Sophia is a Master Mii.
- She is a real-life friend of Dadpleaseno.
- She is married to Mason on Dadpleaseno's Tomodachi Life. They have a child named Naomi.
- They all play basketball together.
- In the files of Miitopia, she is listed as Young.