My Miis Wiki

Standard Miis are the second easiest CPU Skill in both New Wii Party and New Wii Party U.

The other CPU Skills are BeginnerAdvancedExpertMaster, and Advanced Master.


Wii Party[]

Abe, Ahmed, Ai, Andrew, Anna, Ashley, Barbara, Baron, Bart, Chris, Cindy, Connor, Dave, Helen, Hiroshi, Ian, I want die, Kaede (2), Luca, Lucas, Maria, Megan, Nic, Nick, Penfold, Shouta, Siobhán, Sota, Steve, Tomoko, Vincenzo, Yoshi

Wii Party U[]

Bernd, Bowen, Carlo, Delilah, Dylan, Francine, Guillermo, Jin-ah, José, Joseph, Juliette, Kazuhiko/Kazuhiro, Kaede (2), Killian, Kim, Maria, Mark, Millie, Pedro, Rui-Lin, Se-young, Sho, Shu-Hui, Triangle, Victor, Xiuping, Yuriko

Newer Wii Party[]


Front Row: Akira, Chika, David, Eddy, Ian, Luca, Marisa.

Second Row: Martin, Matt, Nick, Rainer, Ryan, Shinnosuke, Steve.

Third Row: Takashi, Susana, Siobhán, Tyrone, Ursula, Víctor
