My Miis Wiki
Title Swordplay Showdown Seventeenth Boss

Most Fastball Tennis PRO in General (Tennis)

Gender Female
Favorite Color Yellow
Level Tennis: 1300 (PRO)

Baseball: 682-849

Boxing: Unknown

Swordplay: 626 - 630

Table Tennis: 86-90

Basketball: 311-315

Cycling: 5th out of 98 (PRO)

Average: 612+

This Mii is canon. That means this Mii actually exists in the Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club/Wii Fit/Wii Party/Wii Music games. However some of the information is fanon.

Not to be confused with Stéphanie.

Steph is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party. She is ranked #71 out of the Wii Sports Resort CPUs, by overall skill level. Her Total Skill Level is 3240.5.

Wii Sports[]

Her skill level in Tennis is 1300, and she often plays with Andy or Helen. In Baseball, her skill is 682-849. She is good and she leads her team with Tatsuaki, Andy, Tyrone, Yoko, Ai, Alex, Daisuke, and Haru. Steph plays on the Baseball teams of Ryan, Hayley, Julie, Kathrin, Keiko, Michael, Jackie, and Eva. She doesn't play Boxing.

Wii Sports Resort[]

Steph is the Boss of level 17 in Swordplay Showdown. She is very defensive and strikes often. It is best if you get to her with 3 hearts. She is also surrounded by purple armor thinned fighters like Jackie and Maria. In Swordplay, she is good at level 626-630. In Table Tennis, she is very bad. She is the sixth-worst and has a skill of only 86-90. In Basketball, Steph is bad. Her teammates are Julie and Miyu and she has a skill level of 311-315. She is the 5th best Pro in Cycling, coming 5th out of 98.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Steph is a Master Mii.


  • Her Japanese name is ステフ (Sutefu).
  • Her Korean name is 바바라 (Babala / "Barbara").
  • Steph is the only female Boss to use the Obese Black Armor.
    • Also, Steph is the last Boss to use the Obese Black Armor.
  • She and Barbara are the only two female Bosses that don't wear the Lanky Black Armor that most female Bosses wear.
  • In Wii Party, she makes the third-best pair with Takumi with a total score of 66 points (Old friends) before the pair of Yoko and Akira and the pair of Matt and Lucía.
  • In her Wii Music artwork, she plays the Bagpipes.
  • Apart from Table Tennis and Basketball, she is well-skilled, but a majority of CPUs have better average skill.
  • Steph is always right-handed.
  • Just like the last four bosses, she attacks quickly but also takes the time to attack sometimes.
  • Her name is short for Stephanie.
  • In both Tennis and Baseball, she plays with Andy.
  • In both Baseball and Basketball, she plays with Yoko and Julie.
  • She, Takumi, and Asami are the only Master Miis in Wii Party who wears yellow.